WVU Tech students leave with the skills and knowledge to soar in the dynamic
field of aerospace engineering. Join us as we explore particle dynamics,
flight vehicle propulsion and space flight systems, and discover the
exciting career opportunities that await in the aerospace industry.
Explore the fascinating science behind particle dynamics, encompassing rectilinear
and curvilinear motion, Newton’s laws, work and energy, impulse and
momentum. Delve into the intricate systems of particles, kinematics of rigid
bodies, plane motion of rigid bodies I havand the kinetics of rigid bodies
in three dimensions.
Flight Vehicle Propulsion
Embark on a journey through equilibrium combustion thermodynamics, quasi one-dimensional
flow with friction, and total temperature change in the realm of flight vehicle
propulsion. Discover the thermodynamics of aircraft engines and the aerodynamics
of inlets, combustors, nozzles, compressors, and turbines. Dive into the
performance of rockets and ideal rocket analysis for a comprehensive understanding
of propulsion systems in the aerospace industry.
Space Flight and Systems
Immerse yourself in an introductory exploration of fundamental concepts of
space flight and vehicles, emphasizing performance aspects and basic analytical
expressions. Gain insights into common analysis methods and design criteria
for launch vehicles, orbital mechanics, atmospheric re-entry, stabilization,
thermal dynamics, power systems and attitude control in the realm of
space flight and systems. This will prepare you for a dynamic aerospace engineering
career with opportunities for specialization in aerospace technology, aerospace
design, aerospace innovation and aerospace research.