Somenath Chakraborty, Ph.D.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Computer Science and Engineering
The University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS, USA
Master of Technology (M-Tech)
Information Technology
West Bengal University of Technology (Inhouse), Salt Lake, West Bengal, India
Bachelor of Technology (B-Tech)
Computer Science and Engineering
West Bengal University of Technology, Salt Lake, West Bengal, India
Somenath Chakraborty is an Assistant Professor at The West Virginia University
Institute of Technology, Beckley, West Virginia, USA. He has experience of 11
years at the post of Lecturer, Assistant Professor, and Principal. Former Principal
of Harirampur Government ITI, Nanoor Government ITI and Itahar Government ITI.
Strong research expertise in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Medical image
and Data Processing, Machine learning, Pattern Recognition and Digital Image
He has published many research journals, conference papers, book chapters etc. where he is the first author. He is an IEEE Senior Member, IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS), IEEE Young Professionals, The IEEE Computer Society Bio-inspired Computing Special Technical Community (STC) etc. He is also Reviewer of Many IEEE, Springer journals, etc. Editor of many journals and Technical and Organizing Committee Member of Many International Conferences. He was the President(2021-2022) and Secretary(2020-2021) of Graduate Student Association for Arts and Sciences (CAS GRADS) at The University of Southern Mississippi. He is passionate about Machine Learning, Data Science, Data Analytics, Pattern recognition, Computer Vision, image processing, Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Blockchain.
Teaching, Guiding, and Administrative Expertise:
- Assistant Professor at West Virginia University Institute of Technology, Beckley, WV, USA(August 2022 to Present)
- Graduate Teaching Assistant in the School of Computing Science and Computer Engineering at “The University of Southern Mississippi”, MS, USA(from August 2020 to August, 2022).
- Graduate Research Assistant in the School of Computing Science and Computer Engineering at “The University of Southern Mississippi”, MS, USA(from January 2019 to July 2020).
- Working as a Principal at Harirampur Govt. ITI, West Bengal, India (from 15.05.16 to 30th November 2018).
- Working as a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Assistant Professor in the department of computer science & Engineering & Information technology at Saroj Mohan Institute of Technology, India (from 25th August 2007 to 15th May 2016)
Research Publications:
Somenath Chakraborty, Beddhu Murali, Amal Mitra, “An Efficient Deep Learning Model to Detect COVID-19 Using Chest X-Ray Images”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,(SCIE, SSCI, MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus, etc. indexed, Premier MDPI journal with Impact Score: 3.39). Feature at World Health Organization Global research on COVID-19.
Somenath Chakraborty and Prof. (Dr.) Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay, “Scene text detection using modified histogram of oriented gradient approach” . International Journal of Applied Research, IJAR 2016; 2(7): 795-798, ISSN: 2394-7500.
Somenath Chakraborty, Prof. (Dr) Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay and Dr. Banani Saha, “Dynamic channel allocation in IEEE 802.11 Networks” , International Journal of Computer Applications. IJCA 2016; ISSN: 0975 – 8887. The research was referred by an US patient owned by HITACHI ENERGY SWITZERLAND AG. Publication Number WO/2021/152132.
Somenath Chakraborty, Prof. (Dr) Chaoyang Zhang, “Survival Prediction Model of Renal Transplantation using Deep Neural Network” , IEEE International Conference for Convergence in Engineering-2020
Somenath Chakraborty, Prof.(Dr) Beddhu Murali, “A Novel Medical Prognosis System for Breast Cancer” at the “International Conference on Advance Computing and Applications”, 2021 Publisher: “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing" AISC series, Springer. (Won Best Paper award).
Somenath Chakraborty, Dia Ali, Beddhu Murali, “ A Novel Distributed Database Architectural Model for Mobile Cloud Computing” at the “International Conference on Computational Techniques and Applications” – ICCTA 2021.
Somenath Chakraborty, Beddhu Murali, "An Ensemble Machine Learning Model to detect COVID 19 using Chest X-Ray" at the “7th International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology (EAIT 2022)”, - Theme: Frontiers of ICT in Healthcare.
Somenath Chakraborty, “A Green Mobile Cloud Computing Model for Distributed Architecture”, International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies (IJWMT).
Sayani Sarkar, Somenath Chakraborty, "The classification of Native and Invasive Species in North America: A Transfer Learning and Random Forest Pipeline", 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R), Texas, USA.
Meenakshi Sanyal, Somenath Chakraborty, "Enhanced Multigradient Dilution Preparation" at the International Conference on Computational Intelligence & Sustainable Technologies (ICoCIST-2021).
Somenath Chakraaborty, "Point-of-Interest (POI) Recommendation Model Simulation using Social Relationships and Geographical Factors", Journal of Science and Engineering Research (JSER)
Somenath Chakraborty, Beddhu Murali, “Investigate the Correlation of Breast Cancer Dataset using Different Clustering Technique”, Preprint, https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2109/.
Somenath Chakraborty, “A Local Outlier Mining Algorithm Based on Region Segmentation”, Korean Society for Computer Game.
Book Chapters:
Somenath Chakraborty, “Category Identification Technique by a Semantic Feature Generation Algorithm” in Deep Learning for Internet of Things Infrastructure. Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
Somenath Chakraborty, “Deep Learning methods to resolve cyber security issues”, Publisher: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis.
Professional Body Membership:
Senior IEEE Member, Member of IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Young Professionals, The IEEE Computer Society Bio-inspired Computing Special Technical Community (STC).
IEEE email: Somenath@ieee.org
Professional Member: ACM
Research Activities:
Reviewer of IEEE high impact peer reviewed journal “ IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics”, USA, ISSN / eISSN: 2168-2194 / 2168-2208. (SCIE indexed)
Reviewer of high impact peer reviewed open access journal “ International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health”, ISSN: 1660-4601. (PubMed, PMC, MEDLINE, SCIE, SSCI etc. indexed)
Editorial Board Member of the journal “ Journal of Machine Learning in Fundamental Sciences (JMLFS) ", UK, ISSN 2632-2714.
Guest Editor of MDPI(World's largest Open Access journal) journal name, COVID , Special Issue "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications for Developing the Diagnosis of COVID-19".
Assistant Editor of “ International Journal of Applied Research”. ISSN Print: 2394-7500 | ISSN Online: 2394-5869 | CODEN: IJARPF. India.
Reviewer of IEEE open access journal “ IEEE Access” ISSN / eISSN 2169-3536,Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, USA. (SCIE indexed)
Reviewer of IEEE journal “ IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology”, ISSN / eISSN:1051-8215 / 1558-2205, Publisher: IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC , USA. (SCIE indexed)
Reviewer of “ Diagnostics ”, MDPI Publishing, ISSN 2075-4418. (Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC indexed).
Reviewer of “Biology”, MDPI Publishing, ISSN 2079-7737. (Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC, PubAg, CAPlus / SciFinder indexed).
Reviewer of “ Journal of Clinical Medicine ”, MDPI Publishing, ISSN 2077-0383. (Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, PMC etc. indexed).
Reviewer of “Mathematical Problems in Engineering”, Hindawi Publishing, ISSN: 1563-5147. (SCIE and Scopus indexed).
Reviewer of “ Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine”, Hindawi Publishing, ISSN: 1748-670X (Print) ISSN: 1748-6718 (Online). (SCIE, Scopus, Medline, PubMed, etc. indexed).
Reviewer of “ The Imaging Science Journal”, Taylor & Francis, (SCIE, Scopus, etc. indexed).
Reviewer of Springer journal “ Earth Science Informatics”, 1865-0481/Print ISSN 1865-0473(SCIE indexed)
Reviewer of “ Journal of Advances in Information Technology(JAIT)”, ISSN: 1798-2340 (Online),(Scopus indexed)
Reviewer of “ IET Quantum Communication” , Published by Wiley.
Reviewer of IEEE Workshop on Security Trust Privacy for Emerging Cyber-Physical Systems,2020.
Technical Program Committee member of 2nd IEEE Workshop on Security Trust Privacy for Emerging Cyber-Physical Systems. USA.
Reviewer of “The IEEE SoutheastCon 2021 Committee”, USA.
Technical Program Committee Member and Reviewer of “The IEEE SoutheastCon 2022 Committee”, USA.
Organizing Committee Member at 2nd International Conferences on Advanced Computing and Applications (ICACA-2021). India.
Technical Program Committee member of 2021 Sixth International Conference on Research in Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (ICRCICN 2021). India.
Technical Program Committee member of 2021 5th International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Control (ISCSIC 2021), Italy.
Technical Program Committee member of International Conference on Computing, Intelligence and Data Analytics (ICCIDA 2022), Turkey.
Program Committee Member of 10th Machine Intelligence and Digital Interaction MIDI Conference 2022, organized by the National Information Processing Institute in Warsaw, Poland
Technical Committee Member of Medical Image Learning with Limited & Noisy Data (MILLanD), a workshop under The 25th International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2022),September, 18,2022 in Singapore.
Technical Program Committee(TPC) member of The 5th International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition (RTIP2R), will be held on November 22 - 23, 2022 Texas A&M University - Kingsville, Texas (USA)
Technical Session Chair of The IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems was held from 04th-05th Nov, 2022 at Sharda University, Greater Noida, India.
Technical Program Committee Member and Reviewer of “The IEEE SoutheastCon 2023 Committee”, USA, going to happen in April 13 - 16, 2023 - Orlando, Florida, USA.
International Advisory Committee Member of International Conference on Data Science and Communication (ICTDsC 2023) which will be held on 23-24, March 2023 - Siliguri Institute of Technology, Sukna, Siliguri, West Bengal, India.
Program Committee Member of Computational Intelligence of 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computing Research (ACR’23), will be held in ORLANDO, USA, MAY 8-10, 2023.
Program Committee Member of The Association for Computing Machinery(ACM) Southeast (ACMSE) 2023, which is organized by Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Kentucky, USA. It will be held on April 12-14, 2023.
Program Committee Member of The 9th International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Systems (HIMS’23)), Which will be held on July 24-27, 2023, Las Vegas, USA. There will be two modes, virtual and physical. ALL accepted papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Services (IEEE CPS) & IEEE XPLORE.
Technical Committee Member of The 2nd Workshop of Medical Image Learning with Limited & Noisy Data (MILLanD), to be held in conjunction with the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023), Canada.